Currently Everett Public Works crews go twice a week down to the area of the 3700 block of Smith Street under I-5 just north of the Everett Gospel Mission to clean trash and debris left by those who hang out there. Last night Everett Police Lt. Bosman told the Everett City Council that they’re going […]
Archive | December 10th, 2015
Everett Schools Increase Credit Requirements
December 10, 2015
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The Everett School Board this week voted to increase graduation credits to 24 and added the ability for students in Middle School to begin earning some high school credits in Spanish language classes. Here’s the explanation from Everett Schools… In two separate but interrelated actions on Tuesday night, the board both expanded students’ access to […]
Immigration Scammer Targeted Russians In Everett, WA
December 10, 2015
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Just got this in from the Washington State Attorney General’s Office… In the latest action in a crackdown on illegal assistance to immigrants, Attorney General Bob Ferguson today announced a lawsuit against an Everett man accused of advertising immigration law services, when he is not an attorney or accredited to provide such services. Michael Bendzar […]
December 10, 2015