As Dry Spell Continues, City of Everett Holding Rain Barrel Sale This Saturday

July 15, 2014

Everett, Everett Government

Everett WA rain barrel map

Rain Barrel photo courtesy City of Everett Twitter Feed.

If you’d been using rain barrels in May you may still have water left for your plants without needing to turn on your hose. If you’re looking for a rain barrel, here’s your chance. The City of Everett is holding a sale on plain rain barrels this Saturday. It’s part of a program that included a call for artists to paint decorative rain barrels that have been on display in Everett. While that part of the program is over, here’s how you can participate…

Mark your calendars! The City of Everett will offer rain barrels for sale to Everett residents at a one-day event on Saturday, July 19, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Everett Public Works, 3200 Cedar Street.

Residents can visit the public works facility to purchase rain barrels, at cost, to help manage stormwater on their property. The premade 55-gallon barrels come with a spigot, overflow and double screen to keep out bugs and debris. The barrels cost $55 each and can be purchased with cash or check. Residents can purchase as many barrels as they like, but the sale is limited to stock on hand.

“Rain barrels are an integral part of green stormwater principles that homeowners can use to manage water on their property,” said Apryl Hynes, surface water public information specialist. “The Let it Rain program provides a variety of simple, effective ideas that homeowners can use to control runoff on their properties.”

In addition to the rain barrel one-day sale, residents can assemble their own barrels with the help of public works staff at a “Make it, Take it” workshop on Tuesday, Sept. 23. The workshop fee is $40/barrel. Please RSVP at 425-257-8992. For details, visit .

For more information on stormwater management in Everett, visit

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