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Wanda Hill, center receives her award. The photo was taken by Sarah Pewitt, Heatherwood Middle School tech teacher.
On March 13, Wanda Hill was recognized as NCCE’s Outstanding Technology Educator of the Year during their conference at the Seattle Convention Center. The Outstanding Technology Educator of the Year award is given to an NCCE member who interacts with students on a daily basis.
The criterion for the award is rigorous. The candidate must:
· Have significantly influenced staff and/or student performance using computers and related technologies in education
· Have worked beyond his or her job description to improve the effectiveness of technology use in education
· Have achieved integration of technology into the curriculum well beyond that assumed in his or her job description
· Have expanded his or her professional expertise by participating in workshops, seminars, conferences, and other professional development opportunities
Wanda Hill has taught in Everett Public Schools for more than 25 years. Before to coming to Everett, she taught in both Shoreline and Bellevue school districts. She has been an adjunct professor at Seattle Pacific University and taught at the University of Montana, Missoula.
Wanda has received numerous grants, enabling her to hone her professional development skills. She is currently a member of the Building Leadership Team, Everett Public Schools Tech Cadre and a Microsoft in Education Expert. She has been a presenter at the NCCE Conference for the past 25 years, and has contributed to national and international published works for college professors, authors and teachers, as well as authoring an article in Learning and Technology Magazine.
“Wanda is a passionate and influential leader who continues to positively impact our learning community,” said Anne Carnell, Penny Creek Elementary School assistant principal. “She says that she finds teaching to be an enjoyable challenge, regardless of the age of the student. She is an answer seeker and an avid troubleshooter; someone you know will do whatever it takes to track down the answer to your tech questions. She is an invaluable and knowledgeable technology resource within our school and district.”
“You can often find Wanda teaching other teachers and educational staff after her regular school day is finished. She finds enjoyment in showing others how technology can help simplify their organization, create projects, and how it can help sort copious amounts of data into a simple graph – with one click. Other teachers have said that no matter how big or small ask, she is someone who consistently goes above and beyond is always eager to help. Her impression amongst the student population is no different.”
“A recognition that is well deserved,” added Chad Golden, Penny Creek Elementary School principal.
March 20, 2014