Everett Drop Outs Can Re-Engage to Get High School Diploma and College Credit

February 1, 2014


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Everett Community College is now accepting applications for re-engagement.

Enrollment is underway in Everett for people aged 16 – 20, who have dropped out of high school, to get a chance to get both their high school diploma and college credits at the same time. Here’s the information from Everett Community College…

Students age 16-21 who have dropped out of high school can earn a high school diploma and college credit at the same time through Everett Community College’s Youth Re-Engagement (U3) program, which is enrolling students now for spring quarter.

For students accepted into the program, tuition and books are free.

“This is a second-chance opportunity of a lifetime for students who, for whatever reason, have left high school without graduating,” said U3 program manager Patricia Sehlke.

To apply, students must be between the ages of 16-20, have not earned a high school diploma (a GED is OK), be a Washington state resident, have at least an 8th grade reading level (assessment provided), have been out of school at least 60 days and have lived in Washington state for the past 12 months.

The program is enrolling now for spring quarter classes, which begin March 31. To enroll, call 425-259-8738 to sign up for an information session.

“We want students to succeed; our case managers are trained to help them succeed. We have seen hundreds earn diplomas and degrees during the 14 years the program has been in operation,” Sehlke said.

The U3 Program is sponsored by EvCC, Sea Mar Community Health Centers and Monroe School District.


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