Professionally Installed Rain Gardens to be a Growth Industry in Everett

Legion Park rain garden

The rain garden at Everett’s Legion Park. Photo courtesy WSU extension Puget Sound Rain Gardens page. Click photo to learn more.

Given all of the damage caused by flooding in Everett this year, one of the things the city will be doing is adding rain gardens as a way to control runoff. The city of Everett expects this to be a growing business and is co-sponsoring a two-day class to teach professionals how to properly construct rain gardens. Here are the details from a press release issued by Meghan Pembroke today at the City of Everett…

Landscape designers, installers and maintenance technicians are invited to take advantage of a two-day training on Nov. 6 and 7 in Everett. This professional-level training will focus on rain gardens and other low-impact development practices gaining in popularity with savvy homeowners who want to control run-off and beautify their yards. The class will cover site selection, soils, new regulations, designs, plant selection and more.

The demand for properly installed rain gardens is growing, creating a new niche and business opportunity for those with adequate training. State and local programs are requiring low-impact development on new construction and several are offering incentives for retrofit projects. These regulations will increasingly result in the creation of new jobs in the landscape industry.

The cost for the training is $100 for both days, which includes lunch and refreshments, a copy of the new handbook and other take-away materials. Take advantage of early registration of $80 by Oct. 28! For more details and to sign up, go to For more information, call Kate Riley at 425-335-5634, ext 119.


This training is brought to you by: The City of Everett, Snohomish County WSU Extension, and the Snohomish Conservation District.



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