PUD Expecting More Solar Panel Installations in Everett

July 10, 2013


Snohomish PUD Solar Express

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Got word from Snohomish PUD today that they expect even more people in Everett will be installing solar now that State lawmakers have extended the sales tax exemption for solar projects. Here’s what the PUD sent…

Solar energy projects will continue to get sales tax breaks thanks to state legislation signed into law last week. Smaller systems of less than 10 kilowatts will receive full sales tax exemptions through 2018, while larger systems of 10 kilowatts or greater will receive 75 percent tax exemptions through 2020.

Snohomish PUD customers also can tap incentives under the utility’s Solar Express program, receive federal tax credits and earn both state production and net metering credits. Meanwhile, the cost of system installations has dropped by as much as 40 percent over the past several years.

In addition to the financial incentives, customers who’ve installed solar energy units appreciate how they’re helping the environment by generating clean energy.

“We were interested in a smaller carbon footprint, self-sufficiency and lower costs,” said Ruth Gustafson of Mukilteo. “Our panels produce energy even on cloudy days.”

PUD Solar Express

The PUD’s Solar Express program provides a range of incentives and educational support to make the process easy.

Residential customers can qualify for up to $2,500 for solar photovoltaic systems and commercial customers can qualify for up to $10,000. All customers with electric water heaters can qualify for a $500 incentive for solar hot water systems. Residential customers may instead opt for a 2.9% APR loan up to $25,000 for photovoltaic panels and up to $14,000 for solar hot water systems.

Solar Express is one of the ways the PUD is promoting clean, locally-generated renewable resources. For more information, including qualifications, call the PUD Energy Hotline at 425-783-1700.

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