While many fields are shrinking the energy field is expanding. If you know of a high school age kid in Everett who has an interest in energy this may be a worthwhile direction to point them…
Enter to win a 2013 Energy Week Scholarship from Snohomish County PUD!
Snohomish PUD in partnership with Washington Business Week is offering scholarships for students to attend the Washington Energy Week Program!Summer Fun!…with a little “energy” thrown in
At Energy Week, business meets sustainability as you explore the world of energy. Energy experts will show you first-hand how energy, economics, and environment combine to create career opportunities in solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, fuel cells, and fossil and alternative fuels.
You’ll be part of a small team (“company”) of students from around the state. Joined by a mentor “Company Advisor” from the business community, your company’s objective is to sell your expertise on energy and how it can be created, consumed, and conserved in homes of the future.
Energy Week is a crash course in the challenges and opportunities of life after high school, such as leadership, team-building, managing money, preparing for a career, and so much more! You’ll learn the skills that are critical to your future success in any profession.
Throughout the week you’ll also take a test run of college life, meet new friends, explore careers, enhance your leadership skills and earn college credit.
Date & Location:
Central Washington University
Ellensburg, WA
July 21-27, 2013
Applying is easy!
Just write a letter to Snohomish County PUD explaining why you want to attend Energy Week.
Eligibility Requirements
All students in grades 9 through 12 who live in Snohomish County or on Camano Island. Children of PUD employees aren’t eligible.
Letter Requirements
Use standard 12-point font, 1-inch margins, double-spacing, and print your essay on only one side of standard 8.5” x 11” white paper. Be sure NOT to use your name in the letter. We don’t want the judges to see any identifying information about the author of the letter during the evaluation process. Letters must be in English and no more than 2 pages in length.
Judging Criteria
•The letter is written clearly, with correct spelling and grammar.
•The letter is focused and stays on topic.
•The letter shows student’s passion for water, energy, the environment or a related interest.
Up to four students will be selected. The winning students will each receive a full scholarship to attend Energy Week. The scholarship covers a full week’s stay at a college dorm, all meals, program materials, activities, entertainment and a T-shirt. Students will need to provide their own transportation to and from Central Washington University in Ellensburg, WA.***
Timeline and Submission Information
You may submit only one letter. It must include a PUD registration form.
Download a contest registration form by clicking here.
All entries must be received no later than 5 p.m., May 10, 2013, so be sure to allow plenty of time if you’re mailing it.
Letters should be submitted either:
•By Mail:
Snohomish County PUD / Attn: Jenni Lamarca, E2 / PO Box 1107 / Everett, WA 98206-1107
•In Person:
Snohomish County PUD / Attn: Jenni Lamarca, E2 / 2320 California ST / Everett, WA 98201
Good Luck! If you need additional information…
Contact Jenni Lamarca at 425-783-8292 or Send an email.
***Students who aren’t selected are still encouraged to apply to attend Energy Week. Other financial assistance options may be available if needed.
April 23, 2013