Everett Police Say Truck-Bike Crash Was Vehicular Homicide

March 19, 2013

Police Blotter

bike crash

Everett Police say this was vehicular homicide

It will be up to the Snohomish County Prosecutor to decide whether or not to file charges but Everett Police have finished their investigation into a crash that killed a bicyclist last October. Here’s the brief update released this afternoon by Everett Police Spokesman Aaron Snell…

On October 17, 2012, a 30 year-old bicyclist, identified as Trenton M. Graham by the Snohomish County Medical Examiner’s Office, was struck and killed in the 10600 block of Evergreen Way. Today, detectives concluded their investigation and are referring the incident to the Snohomish County Prosecutor’s Office as a vehicular homicide case. The Prosecutor’s Office will review the case and decide if charges are appropriate.

The driver of the pickup will not be identified until charges, if any, are made.

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