Tag Archives: semi fire

Fire Destroys Two Semi-Trucks In South Everett

May 14, 2023

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As of this writing an Investigator with Everett Fire is on scene working to determine the cause of a fire that destroyed two Semi-Trucks this morning. The fire was reported shortly after 9:00 AM on 80th street SW just west of Hardeson Road. There were no injuries. Here are a few photos of the crews […]

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Aftermath Of Semi-Truck Fire In South Everett Reveals Deceased Person Inside

December 13, 2022

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Editor’s Update 2:00PM Wednesday December 14th: The Everett Fire Department has investigators working to determine the cause of the fire while the Everett Police Department works with the Snohomish County Medical Examiner’s Office on the death investigation. Spokespeople for both Everett Police and Fire say they have no new information to report at this time. […]

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Semi Fire Slows Everett’s Morning Commute

February 12, 2016

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Traffic on southbound Interstate 5 in Everett, WA was backed up for miles following a semi fire at the weigh station next to I-5 just south of the Everett Mall. The fire was reported about 6:45 AM. There were no injuries but the semi truck was fully involved when the first Everett fire crew arrived. […]

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