Tag Archives: Everett homeless

Citizens Can Now Donate To Everett Safe Streets Fund

March 4, 2016


More good news from the Community Streets Initiative as the City of Everett has now made it possible for those who want to financially contribute to the Safe Streets program to do so in a way that offers tangible support to those ready to accept help. “Through our social worker and CHART programs, we know […]

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Everett To Accelerate Housing First Plans

November 16, 2015


In September, the City of Everett announced plans to have 20 units of low-barrier housing for those experiencing chronic homelessness ready to use over the next two years. Tonight, after hearing Lloyd Pendleton speak on how Utah addressed its efforts to battle chronic homelessness, Everett Mayor Ray Stephanson pledged to have those 20 units up […]

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Police Chief Q & A on Everett’s Streets Initiative Efforts

October 15, 2015

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Awareness and efforts to address problems faced by having so many people living on the streets of Everett, WA are at an all-time high. In 2014 the City of Everett developed a Community Streets Initiative and the Mayor formed a task force to look into the problems and try to find solutions. Progress is being […]

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Everett Mayor Revises Panhandling Ordinance, Adds Housing First Plan

September 30, 2015


Back in April the Everett City Council said no to a panhandling ordinance that would have prohibited asking for money within 60 feet of a signalized intersection. Tonight Everett Mayor Ray Stephanson will come before the Public Safety Committee and propose a new ordinance that prohibits panhandling in front of ATMs, retail stores and parking […]

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Yakima County Jail Helping Everett Police Enforce Street Level Issues

July 17, 2015

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We told you last year about an agreement between the City of Everett and Yakima County to use the jail in Yakima to help defray costs of housing prisoners convicted of crimes in Everett. At the time the plan was to use the Yakima County jail for prisoners who were sentenced to longer terms in […]

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Alcohol Impact Area Passes, Panhandling Ordinance Fails at Marathon Everett City Council Meeting

April 15, 2015


It was a long and sometimes very emotional meeting of the Everett City Council Wednesday night. A standing room only crowd listened to briefings on the 2015 budget, the city’s funding of Capital Improvement Projects and a consultant’s plan to change the way city employees get their healthcare. That alone would have made the meeting […]

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Is Everett Declaring War Against Those Experiencing Homelessness?

April 11, 2015


Editor’s Note April 13th 6:40pm: Item #2 has been pulled from the agenda. Items 1 and 3 are still set to be voted on by the City Council. Activists from Seattle spoke at last week’s Everett City Council meeting warning that if the council passed three newly proposed ordinances the city would be met with […]

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