The Students for Environmental Action (SEA) Club at Everett Community College is hosting a Styrofoam recycling event on Wednesday, January 22nd from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in Parking Lot K (909 N. Broadway), down the hill from the main Everett Community College campus.
This is a drive-through event; volunteers will help unload your Styrofoam. Styrofoam should be clean, with tape removed.
There is no cost for recycling, but a donation to the food bank (non-perishable food items or a financial donation) would be much appreciated.
The Marysville Food Bank is supplying the truck to take the Styrofoam to Styrorecycle in Kent.
Bring your clean Styrofoam, packing peanuts (in bags or boxes), bubble wrap, and plastic film to be recycled—for FREE!
Note: This is a different location from past styrofoam recycling events.
More details on what you can & can’t bring:
Your material must be:
- Clean, dry, free of all tape and any labels so it does not contaminate the recycling process.
- Please bag your peanuts separately for drop-off.
- No contaminated material accepted.
- We will accept any amount, large or small. Sorry, no hot tub covers, please.
To identify your foam:
- Look for the #6 or EPS inside the recycle symbol.
- Bend the material; it should break and snap with loose beads.
- Packing peanuts, clear bubble-wrap and clear plastic wrapping will also be accepted.
Not accepted:
- Spray-in foam
January 17, 2025
Events in Everett, Everett Schools