Though only approximately half of the expected primary votes have been tallied, one initial result seems pretty clear: Snohomish County voters rejected the expansion of the Port of Everett by 67% to 33% based off the first round of vote data (more will be released tonight).
The Port of Everett released the following statement:
Despite the Port of Everett’s boundary enlargement measure not making it over the finish line, the Port of Everett remains committed to its important work as an economic driver for Snohomish County and beyond.
This was the first time in our generation that residents across the County had the opportunity to vote on bringing the value and economic tools of the Port to the greater Snohomish County community. With this outcome, the Port still won’t be able to invest outside of its limited boundaries, but we will strive to ensure our advocacy and economic value continue to stretch beyond our district.
Over the past 106 years, the Port has invested billions into the local economy and supports more than 40,000 jobs in the region today. The Port will continue to make strategic investments within its existing boundaries as resources allow with a focus on creating quality jobs, supporting trade and transportation, adding public access amenities, restoring and protecting the environment, and more.
We look forward to continuing to work with our community partners, including the Tulalip Tribes, the business community, and municipal partners to continue to add economic value and jobs throughout our region.
Looking through comments from voters, people had trouble seeing the value of an expanded port. They saw it as simply another tax and local Tribes saw it as a power grab. Marketed differently, the Port of Everett may have had better results. For example, residents on both sides of the US 2 Trestle have long been opposed to any type of toll and the Port of Everett could have mentioned it and other specific examples of how they could reinvest in capital projects throughout the county.
August 7, 2024
Everett Government, Everett Jobs