PUD Giving out $200 Bill Credits

July 12, 2024

Everett Government

The PUD was recently awarded $13.7 million in funding through the Washington Families Clean Energy Credits Grant Program.

This money is dedicated to distributing one-time $200 bill credits to assist low- and moderate-income PUD customers.

The funding came from the state’s Climate Commitment Act. The CCA is intended to support Washington’s climate action efforts by putting cap-and-invest dollars to work reducing climate pollution, creating jobs and improving public health. The Legislature appropriated $150 million for this.

The odd part is the grant program doesn’t seem to have any strings attached that promote combating climate change.

Despite the name, it seems to be a small way to support low income customers who were affected by rate hikes over the years. Here is how the utilities are instructed to decide who receives the $200 credit:

Utilities must first prioritize bill credits for customers at or below 80 percent area median income (AMI) and if funds remain, may expand bill credits for customers up to 150 percent of area median income (AMI).

Regardless of its impact on climate change, if you’d apply for the bill credit, visit this PUD page.

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