Everett Station District To Transform 32nd Street Into A Lawn For The Summer With Field Turf, Picnic Tables, Yard Games

May 26, 2023

Events in Everett, Everett

Yard at Everett Station

This little stretch of 32nd street will get field turf, picnic tables and yard games for through Sept. 15th.

Yard at Everett Station

Click graphic to learn more on their website.

Starting this weekend crews will be transforming 32nd street between Smith Avenue and Paine Avenue in Everett, Washington into “The Yard at Everett Station”. The project will run from May 27th through September 15th.

Large concrete planters will block vehicle traffic, the pavement will be covered in field turf.

There are other additions including picnic tables with umbrellas, a Little Free Library, an informational kiosk, and yard games.

It’s being presented as an option for folks in the neighborhood around Everett Station to enjoy some time outdoors.

It’s a project from the folks at the Everett Station District Alliance. Here’s more information from their Executive Director, Brock Howell. Click here to visit their website.
Hi friend –
Join ESDA this summer on “The Yard at Everett Station” — a summer-long park in the heart of the neighborhood, right on 32nd Street between Smith and Paine Avenues.
To make it a park, we will be blocking vehicle traffic using large concrete planters, laying down FieldTurf, and adding picnic tables with umbrellas, a Little Free Library, informational kiosk, and yard games. It should be a great place for workers and visitors alike to enjoy lunch outdoors.

Community Paint Day
Saturday, May 27
Help get summer started by helping paint murals on two nearby buildings and on the support columns of the Pacific Ave bridge over Paine Ave. A fourth mural will be installed on a billboard space along McDougall Ave. There will be a food truck and a mini artist/maker market. With the the organization Urban Artworks facilitating the event, we are aiming for 200+ volunteers.
Volunteer to paint murals on Saturday

The Yard Set-up
Saturday & Sunday, May 27-28
Volunteer to help set up The Yard, including installing the FieldTurf and assembling & painting the picnic tables.
Volunteer to set-up The Yard

Wednesday Farmers Market
June 7 – August 16, 2-6 p.m.
After a two-year hiatus due to the pandemic, the Wednesday Farmers Market returns! Learn more

Everett Station District Town Hall Day
Wednesday, June 14, 2-6 p.m.
You’re invited to come learn what organizations and agencies are doing for our neighborhood and city.
Here’s who will be there: Apple Health, Bezos Academy, Carnegie Resource Center, Cocoon House, Compass Health, Dawson Place, Child Advocacy Center, Domestic Violence Services, Economic Alliance of Snohomish County, Everett AquaSox, Everett Community College, Everett CHIP, Everett Gospel Mission, Everett Planning Department, Everett Public Works, Everett Transit, Hand In Hand, Hopeworks & Housing Hope, Office of Court Appointed Special Advocate, Pallet Shelter, Rep. Rick Larsen’s Office, Sen. Maria Cantwell’s Office, Skagit Transit, Snohomish County Legal Services, Snohomish PUD, Snohomish Rotaract, Snotrac, Sound Transit, United Way, Village Community Services, Volunteers of America, WorkSource Snohomish, YMCA, and YWCA.

We’ve got so much more planned for The Yard, so stay tuned!

A few final notes:
• We’re very close to starting the BIA-funded overnight vehicle security patrols and neighborhood ambassador program for the neighborhood.
• We’re excited for the new railroad & transit museum and model train exhibit that’s coming to Everett Station.
• If you commute by transit through Everett Station, you can now bike to the station and safely store your bike using the Bike Link app for the low cost of 5 cents per hour.
• Sound Transit will soon select a recommended preferred alignment and alternative alignments for the Everett Link Extension that will be evaluated in the full EIS. In addition, later this week the agency will be publishing on update on the financial status of its ongoing capital projects, although we don’t expect new data to be available for Everett Link.
Brock Howell
Executive Director
Everett Station District Alliance

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My Everett News is a hyperlocal news website featuring news and events in Everett, Washington. We also cover City of Everett information and items of interest to those who live, work, and play in Everett.

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