Everett City Council Reports No Wrongdoing Found In Relationship Between Mayor & Deputy Mayor

May 23, 2023

Everett Government

Editor’s Update Wednesday 05/24/2023 10:20 AM: MyEverettNews.com has received the report given to the Everett City Council. Here’s the summary.

Mayor investigation summary

Here is the summary. Click to enlarge. The complete report can be downloaded from the link in the first paragraph of today’s update.

To view the entire 27 page investigative report sent to MyEverettNews.com click below. (Still waiting on the invoice and total cost which may take another 30 days to get)
Everett Mayor Investigation Report

Cassie Franklin

Everett Mayor Cassie Franklin.

Initial Report Tuesday May 23rd 10:11 PM: In a late-night press release, Everett City Council President Brenda Stonecipher says an investigation ordered by the City Council in Everett, Washington back on February 15th shows no wrongdoing was found with regard to the relationship that developed and was revealed between the Mayor, Cassie Franklin and Deputy Mayor Nick Harper. Here is the press release received at 9:29 PM this evening.

The Everett City Council has reviewed the report of the investigation conducted by Amy Kangas Alexander of Stokes Lawrence P.S., related to the personal relationship between the Mayor and Deputy Mayor.

The Council has retained Lisa Marshall of Kenyon Disend, PLLC of Issaquah, Washington as outside legal counsel to oversee the work.

Of the findings, Everett City Council President Brenda Stonecipher said, “We are relieved to have validation from an independent investigator that the conduct of those involved was within the boundaries of the City’s existing policies and that no taxpayer funds or city resources were used to further the relationship. We entered into this process, knowing that, as elected officials, we had an obligation to taxpayers to investigate the matter, to ensure the City government is operating effectively and lawfully. We fulfilled our duty and we are satisfied with this result.”

A copy of the investigative report may be obtained by submitting a public records request to the City Clerk’s office.

On February 27th, MyEverettNews.com spoke with Mayor Franklin about the investigation. One thing we asked was if she felt the action taken by the City Council was politically motivated?

“As Mayor and City Council our role is to advance the priorities of the City,” she said. “In Everett, we have a strong Mayor form of Government in which the Mayor is the chief executive of the city, responsible for running the city on a day to day basis and making the administrative decisions which at times has led to friction between the administration and council members.” She added, “I have not seen any formal complaint against me, just the council deciding to actually spend public funds to investigate my personal life without any specific complaint. I find the idea I have misused public funds in my operation of the administration offensive.”

MyEverettNews.com has requested a copy of the investigative report as well as the total cost of city funds spent on the investigation. We will advise when that information is received.


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My Everett News is a hyperlocal news website featuring news and events in Everett, Washington. We also cover City of Everett information and items of interest to those who live, work, and play in Everett.

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