For those in Everett, Washington who have an interest in determining how Light Rail will eventually come to the city, and where the final route, stations and amenities will be located, Sound Transit is offering another opportunity to provide input. Here’s more on what they’re looking for.
Current Project Status
The Everett Link Extension Project is just getting started. We are currently in the alternatives development phase, where we explore alternative locations and design configurations for the alignment, stations, and Operations and Maintenance Facility North that could meet the project’s purpose and need. In April 2022, the Community Advisory Group and the Elected Leadership Group made their recommendations for alternatives to study in our Level 2 evaluation. Results of this evaluation will be shared on our online open house this winter and you will have an opportunity to share your feedback with us there.
Timeline and milestones
Voter approval (2016)
WE ARE HERE Planning (2021 to 2026)
- Alternatives development
- Environmental scoping, when Sound Transit seeks public, agency and tribal input on alignment, station and OMF North alternatives
- Identify and evaluate station, route and OMF alternatives
- The Sound Transit Board identifies alternatives for the Draft Environmental Impact Statement and will likely also identify a preferred alternative
- Draft EIS
- Conceptual engineering
- Prepare Draft EIS
- Public review and comment on the Draft EIS
- Sound Transit Board confirms/modifies preferred alternative for Final EIS
- Final EIS
- Preliminary engineering
- Prepare Final EIS
- Sound Transit Board selects project to be built
- Federal Record of Decision
Design (2026 to 2029)
Construction (2030 to 2036)
Open for service (2037 South Everett – 2041 Downtown Everett Station)
We will continue to engage with the public, agencies and Tribes and commit to conducting equitable community engagement throughout development of station and track alignment alternatives. Please contact us if you have any questions or would like to request a project briefing.
The Everett Link Extension project team is requesting public scoping comments now! Before we start work on an environmental impact statement (EIS), we are looking for public feedback to guide our decision-making process. From now until March 10, you can make your voice heard! Give your opinion on what issues are important to study in the EIS and share your feedback on the route, station, and operations and maintenance facility alternatives.
You can submit comments by visiting our interactive website, emailing, leaving a voicemail at 425-492-7218 or by mail to:
Everett Link Extension
Kathy Fendt Sound Transit 401 S. Jackson St. Seattle, WA 98104The Everett Link Extension will connect Everett and Snohomish County to the existing Link light rail network, and provide 16 miles of fast, reliable public transit to our region’s residential and business centers. We need your help to define the future of transit in the region!
There will be three meetings during the comment period where you can learn about the project and ask questions. We hope to see you there!
- Attend a public meeting via Zoom (meeting links online):
- Tuesday, February 7, 5:30 – 7:30 p.m.
- Wednesday, March 1, 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
- Attend an in-person meeting:
- Wednesday, February 15, 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. Cascade High School cafeteria, 801 E. Casino Rd., Everett, WA 98203 Submit comments in person!
Registration in advance is not required. We plan to have live closed captioning at the virtual meetings and interpretation in Spanish, Korean and Russian at all the public meetings. You can also contact us at or 206-370-5533 to let us know about your accessibility needs in advance.
We encourage you to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @SoundTransit and forward email updates like this to family, friends, neighbors, and your community! Expanding light rail to Snohomish County is new for many community members and we are trying to reach as many people as possible. Your voice matters and we hope that you stay engaged with this project as it moves forward.
We are happy to meet with community groups to provide more information about the project. Please reach out to us at to request a briefing. Follow Sound Transit on social media!
January 25, 2023