Comment Period Open On 227 Apartments Across From County Admin Building In Downtown Everett

November 23, 2022

Downtown Everett, Everett

Click to enlarge and see how to comment.

A look at the site layout and location. Click to enlarge.

A look toward the northwest corner at Pacific and Rockefeller.

The City of Everett Planning Department has opened a public comment period through December 6th on a request to build 227 apartments with two levels of parking in downtown Everett, Washington.

The Rockefeller Apartments would be next to the Jackson House Senior Apartment Community in the 1800 block of Pacific Avenue. DevCo, who already has several projects in Everett and the surrounding area, is proposing a seven-story building with 227 apartments on five floors over two levels of parking and commercial space.

The development would be in two buildings that would border Pacific on the north, 32nd street on the south, Oakes Avenue on the east and Rockefeller on the west. The main entrance would be located on the corner of Pacific and Rockefeller.

There would be 150 one-bedroom apartments with a mix of floor plans, 62 two-bedroom apartments and 15 three-bedroom apartments. Here’s a further description from the pre-application meeting paperwork submitted in May of this year to Everett Planning. Click to see the full Pre-application Introduction Letter and Project Narrative.

The new residential apartment units are proposed in two multi-story buildings. The ground floor level of the west building that fronts Rockefeller, Pacific Avenue, and 32nd Street will include a private recreational space for the residents in both buildings. This level will also house the leasing and property management operations for the communities and the project’s commercial frontage. Private open space and recreation amenities—indoor and outdoor—will be included with the finished project to both comply with applicable City code as well as to fit the Applicant’s typical amenity program. The types and locations of these facilities are illustrated on the enclosed Conceptual Landscape Plan.

Vehicular access to the site will be provided by new commercial driveways from Rockefeller Avenue and Oakes Avenue in addition to a third garage access at the west terminus of the remaining alley rightof-way. The access at Rockefeller Avenue will enter at Level 1 of the west building. This ground floor level of the west building also This is the same level of level 1 (above-grade), containing both retail businesses and structured parking that ultimately routes to the below-grade and level 2 parking levels. Access on Oaks Avenue will enter the below-grade structured parking that serves Building B. An open-space alleyway traveling north from 32nd Street separates the Building A and Building B. This alleyway will serve as pedestrian access which will terminate at the portion of the alleyway that will remain.

Comments about the project should be in writing and submitted to Dennis Osborn at the City of Everett 2930 Wetmore Avenue #8A Everett, Washington 98201. The email address is: and phone number is (425) 257-7176. Again the comment deadline is December 6th. Here is a link to the project documents.

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