Advocates In Everett Call For Traffic Calming Revisions On Highway 99 At Airport Road (And Beyond)

November 21, 2022


A snippet from SnoTrac showing crash data from the SR99/Evergreen Way corridor.

Everett City Council member Liz Vogeli speaks during the event. In the background behind her is one of the new 40 mph speed limits signs recently installed on the highway.

To mark the World Day of Remembrance for traffic victims, the Snohomish County Transportation Coalition held a press conference at what they say is the intersection with the most fatal traffic crashes in the SR99 Corridor and all of Snohomish County, State Route 99 & Airport Road in south Everett, Washington.

The intersection has a shared jurisdiction with Snohomish County and the City of Everett and the coalition says there have been at least eight fatal collisions at or adjacent to the intersection.

Speakers today talked of methods they would like to see to reduce what they call traffic violence. Methods outlined today include limiting right hand turns at red lights in urban areas, lowering the blood-alcohol limit for DUI from .08 to .05, engineering roads for slower speeds and increasing the use of automated traffic enforcement devices such as red light and speed cameras.

Everett City Council member Liz Vogeli spoke of how the City recently worked with the State of Washington to lower the speed limit on Highway 99 into Everett and also advocated for wider sidewalks.

You can learn more about the Snohomish County Transportation Coalition on their website. They are not a government agency but work through Workforce Snohomish and are advocates for connecting people and communities in Snohomish County and beyond with safe, equitable, and accessible transportation.

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