Storm Stats Coming In For Everett And Snohomish County November 4th Windstorm

November 16, 2022


Starting to see some preliminary statistics from the damage caused by the windstorm that hit Everett, Washington and points north on November 4th. We’ll update here as more information is made available.

Snohomish PUD Update Wednesday November 16th 10:00 AM:

Infographic from Snohomish PUD, Click to enlarge.

Sharing some preliminary stats from our storm response efforts last week. We replaced more poles, transformers, and wires than we did during the storm in November 2015 and did it in the same duration of 7 days.

We conduct reviews after storms to identify where we can improve and reviewing stats like these help us plan for the future.

Thank you again for your support as we worked together to get our communities back up and running!

Here is what Snohomish PUD sent in their Newsletter on Tuesday November 15th:

It takes a tremendous effort to recover from an epic storm. On November 4, Snohomish County got hit by a once-in-a-decade wind event that took out power to around 220,000 homes and businesses (almost 60% of customers). We hadn’t seen a storm even close to this impactful since 2015 when 50% of our customers lost electricity. We know that many of you lost power for days, and we can’t begin to express our gratitude for your patience and resilience while we worked hard to get the power back on for all.

With long hours and hard work, and amazing help from utility crews from all over the Pacific Northwest, Team PUD was able to restore power to all customers by the end of the day last Friday. This involved replacing over 60 poles and completing over 700 crew jobs and 1,100 service tickets. We are proud to say that even with all of the work in challenging conditions, we did not experience a single injury throughout the restoration.

While we hope that this is the biggest storm we have this winter, there’s always the possibility that winds like these could hit again. Please make sure to take time to restock your emergency kits, batteries for flashlights, etc. We appreciate your efforts to be prepared, your outstanding understanding during this long and complex restoration, and your continued support.

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My Everett News is a hyperlocal news website featuring news and events in Everett, Washington. We also cover City of Everett information and items of interest to those who live, work, and play in Everett.

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