Everett Cultural Arts Commission Offering Grants To Fund Arts Programs In 2023

If you know an artist or non-profit arts organization working in the city limits of Everett, Washington who could use funding, especially for educational projects, send them this info.

$40,000.00 is available for arts grants next year.

The City of Everett Cultural Arts Commission is accepting applications for cultural arts grants to fund art programs in 2023. The City will award up to $40,000 in grants for 2023.

Cultural arts grants are awarded to organizations expanding access to arts and culture within the City of Everett that reflect the community’s values of equity, inclusion, and diversity.

Arts organizations, artists and community organizations that offer arts programs and services, and meet the eligibility requirements, are invited to apply. All grant-funded projects must take place within Everett city limits and be open to the general public.

“I’m pleased we’re once again able to offer this grant program, which helps expand access to arts and culture in our community,” said Everett Mayor Cassie Franklin. “I encourage eligible artists and organizations to apply and look forward to the creative new works and programs this round of grants will fund.”

In the past, grants have supported youth arts education, neighborhood community art projects and live music performances. A 2022 grant provided funding for public art in a neighborhood park, another funded instruments for low-income public school band students.

Grant applicants must be a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization or be fiscally sponsored by a 501(c)(3) nonprofit to apply.

Applications and full details on the cultural arts grant program are available at everettwa.gov/artsgrants. Applications are due by Friday, Nov. 15, 2022. Interested applicants may contact Tyler Chism for more information at tchism@everettwa.gov.

The City of Everett Cultural Arts Commission is composed of volunteer commissioners who are appointed by the mayor. The mission of the commission is to initiate, sponsor, organize and promote cultural and artistic programs and services for the enrichment and enjoyment of the Everett community.

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