Graffiti Art Classes Being Offered In Everett Sunday Following Successful “Going All City” NW Mural Event

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If you liked what you saw around Everett, Washington this past weekend as 150 Graffiti Artists from around the country and Mexico came to Everett on their own dime to create 30 murals and introduce graffiti artistry to the community, there’s now an opportunity for you to learn how to successfully create graffiti art.

Beginning this Sunday the crew at HypeMurals has organized classes covering three skill levels, Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced. The classes will be held in downtown Everett and taught by HYPER, one of Washington’s premiere graffiti artists.

The class takes you through both the history and the art form of graffiti. Instruction begins with the basics and leads to more advanced techniques. The classes are held in rounds, each two hours long and over two Sundays. The cost is $100 per person for the beginner and intermediate levels and includes supplies. Classes are for those 14 years of age and up.

Pre-registration is required. For more information email: and you can click on the graphic above.

HYPER, Brianna and DES are the three main people behind the event this past weekend in Everett but there were scores of people who made it happen.

Speaking of the recent Going All City Northwest event, it really was an amazing undertaking. Planning has been going on for over 12 months with the Northwest chapter of the Graffaholeks. While there are 22 or so members here there are many more in chapters across the country.

Three members locally played a major role in bringing this event to Everett. In earlier stories we talked about HYPER and Brianna who were working at events all around Everett, dealing with sponsors, funding, grants, building owners and the City of Everett along with delivering supplies and a myriad of details.

So what about arranging and coordinating all of those artists who came from multiple points across the country and Mexico? That would be DES. He’s the artist contact for not only the event in Everett this year but also other Going All City events including Phoenix, Chicago and Tyler, Texas.

Inviting artists, dealing with flights, hotels, B&Bs and making sure they have what they need at their mural sites including paint, ladders and lifts. “My phone has been blowing up for months,” DES told me. “Three days after the event it’s still going off.”

DES says he’s the middle person between the event and the artists. He also puts together the various artists in teams to do the murals. “We try to match up crew members who haven’t painted together too often if at all,” he said. “HYPER, Brianna and I are like the three-headed dragon who organized the Everett event, we compliment each other really well.”

He also said he worked closely with NRVEK from Arizona who helped name the series which used to be called Grill and Chill as well as KAROE from Texas who is the graphic artist who did the logo.

DES, HYPER and Brianna all expressed disappointment that one of the murals was buffed (painted over) after the building owner expressed their disappointment in the mural on their wall. That’s one of the things graffiti artists face. People who don’t understand or respect their art. None of the murals in Everett were commissioned and the artists were free to do what it is they do. There is also a clause in the agreement that if the owner of a building does not approve of the final product then it will be buffed. That’s what happened in this one case out of more than 30 murals.

Editor’s note: The artists who worked on that particular mural were from Arizona and spent thousands of dollars of their own money to come here. Organizers are working on a plan to bring them back out to do another wall. We’ll keep you updated on that effort and ways you can help support that crew when it happens. This is graffiti artistry and that isn’t for everybody; but it was impactful, energetic and a huge benefit to Everett this weekend with more than a million dollars in donated artworks and thousands of dollars spent in local hotels, lodging, restaurants and stores. There is a difference between graffiti art and vandalism. This can be a very cool thing for Everett and if the energy that has come out of this event is any indication, many more people are excited to have this here and hope much more is on the way. LD

One of our favorite works this weekend was by kids aged 7 – 14 called “GO PAINT DAY”. Click photo for that story.

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My Everett News is a hyperlocal news website featuring news and events in Everett, Washington. We also cover City of Everett information and items of interest to those who live, work, and play in Everett.

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