Changes Mean Everett Sausage Festival Apparently Cancelled

July 12, 2022

Events in Everett

A sad announcement from the boosters of the Everett Sausage Festival posted on social media today…

It does not appear there will be a festival this year.

Fest Cancelled….
For 45 years the Everett Sausage Festival have supported catholic education through its yearly Bavarian themed festival. Volunteers from the school and parish created a community event, bringing three generations of families together to celebrate each fall through great food, children’s entertainment, and live music. The combining of our parishes into one created the opportunity to use our Cedar St. property in different ways. Changes must be made to support our new outreach initiatives, unfortunately one of those changes is cancelling our yearly festival so we can commit to helping our community is other ways.

All the volunteers and board members thank the Everett community by supporting our festival and our school for the last 45 years. Everyone regrets losing the ability to have this fall tradition but are excited at the chance to engage our community in new ways, reaching out to those in need.
From the OLPH Boosters,
God Bless

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