No 4th Of July Parade In Everett This Year

June 2, 2022

Events in Everett

4th of July

In 2016 this former Everett resident came all the way from Montana to see the parade.

Back on April 12th we told you a volunteer group was trying to put together a 4th of July parade in downtown Everett, Washington this year. The effort was being organized by former Everett City Councilmember Scott Bader who said at the time, “I’m venturing out to see if there is enough interest in a citizen led Independence Day parade that we could get a sufficient number of volunteers to make it a reality. I’ve been in touch with city staff who are willing to ‘coach from the sidelines.”

We followed up recently with Mr. Bader who told us the committee that was formed in April considered their situation, as well as the amount of time left and decided it was best to focus on 2023 and doing a good job at putting something together the community can be proud of and not trying to simply throw something together this year.

The committee is currently establishing a working relationship with the Everett Events Foundation which is a DBA for the Everett Fourth of July Foundation, a 501c3 non-profit. Kerri Lonergan Dreke is the Board Chair, and other board members include Ryan Crowther and Twyla Lucas. That group is working to help fundraise for events in Everett.

The Fourth of July Foundation previously was the fundraising arm for the city’s Fourth of July event, and in 2020 the board decided to broaden its name and mission to bring events back post pandemic. They successfully brought back Music at the Marina in 2021 and just announced the successful return of Music at the Marina again this year. (that will happen for six weeks every Thursday, from July 14, 2022 to August 18, 2022.) More to come on that.

If you’d like to help specifically with the 2023 4th of July parade in Everett, volunteers and committee members are still needed. Email your name to

On Saturday we’ll preview two big events that will be happening this 4th of July in Everett!


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My Everett News is a hyperlocal news website featuring news and events in Everett, Washington. We also cover City of Everett information and items of interest to those who live, work, and play in Everett.

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