According to probable cause paperwork presented to the court, an Everett Police Detective wrote that per video taken by a witness on Friday afternoon, the suspect was stopped by Officer Rocha in the parking lot of a Starbucks near 10th and Broadway, there was a struggle between the suspect and Officer Rocha, both went down on the ground and the suspect shot the officer multiple times and then drove over him in his escape from the scene in a blue mini-Cooper.
The suspect was chased through Everett and crashed at 35th and Rucker where he was taken into custody. He reportedly has warrants for his arrest and an extensive criminal history.
Dan Rocha leaves behind a wife and two sons. A memorial fund has been set up to honor Officer Rocha and support his family. The City of Everett this afternoon provided more information on the Memorial Fund:The city is covering as much of the memorial cost as legally possible, but there are some costs government entities are not allowed to spend public funds on. That is where the private sector can be a support. The City is working to ensure we can respect the family’s wishes to remember and honor the life of Officer Dan Rocha. Private sector donations will directly support Officer Rocha’s family as well as cover a portion of the memorial the city is not legally able to fund.
Plans for a public memorial service are underway and we will pass those along once they are confirmed.
March 28, 2022
Police Blotter