Here’s this month’s honorees from the Rotary Club of Everett for their Student of the Month.
In an online and in-person meeting, the Rotary Club of Everett on March 15, 2022 honored three local high school students as Rotary Students of the Month.
Each month during the school year the club recognizes outstanding high school students in the city of Everett for their accomplishments and their promise.
Everett High Student of the Month is Mack Baniqued, who would like to be a mechanical engineer or go into the medical field. Mack’s art teacher said “he thinks deeply about the meaning of art and the events of the world and channels this into his artistic practice.” His PE teacher said “he is always so pleasant and works and competes super hard in PE. Our sport based classes are his jam and I am not surprised that the art he is working on has a fitness focus as well! Mack is a lovely human being!” Cascade High Student of the Month is Clover Barry, who’s involved in the Advanced Leadership program and challenges herself with AP and College in the High School classes. Her advanced leadership teacher called Clover “a shining example” who recruited her friends to help keep the cafeteria clean. Another teacher said “Clover approaches everything with a smile and a positive attitude. Her willingness to engage in class . . . helped set an example for how and why to value education.” Student of the Month from Sequoia High is Joel Rock, a beam of light around Sequoia who’s kind and friendly to all, has a great sense of humor and takes great pride in his school work. He is incredibly artistic and loves everything Pokeman. “Joel is friendly, out-going, and has a witty sense of humor,” said his advisor. “He works well with his classmates and is a joy to be around. He is truly passionate about his art and would be a fantastic illustrator for comic books one day!”About the Rotary Club of Everett: Rotary is an organization of business and professional leaders united worldwide to provide humanitarian service and build goodwill and peace. Chartered in 1917, the Rotary Club of Everett is one of three Rotary clubs in Everett and a total of more than 35,000 Rotary clubs in 182 countries.
March 16, 2022
Everett Schools