Icy Roads Creating Havoc For Drivers In Everett

February 24, 2022


Shortly after 10 AM the northbound lanes of Evergreen Way were shut down.

Lots of issues from the overnight snow and cold temperatures in Everett, Washington. Everett Transit went on snow routes about 8 AM.

Everett Community College and WSU Everett went to virtual learning with in-person classes suspended until 12 Noon.

A dozen cars were caught in a pile up along 75th street SW between Hardeson Road and Seaway Boulevard causing 75th to be shut down. There were no injuries.

Hilly roadways including Pecks Drive, Madison and Evergreen Way from 43rd to 47th had to be shut down temporarily while Everett Police worked to clear up spinouts and arrange for sanding trucks to treat the roads.

Here’s the 10 AM update from Kathleen Baxter at Everett Public Works on the road plan from overnight.

Public Works crews were out yesterday preparing the City’s streets for icy conditions. We had two trucks out with deicer following the priority routes of our ice and snow control plan. We have sanders out right now. We will put down more deicer if conditions allow today (the roads have to dry out before we can lay down deicer), as we have similar freezing conditions forecast for tonight.


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My Everett News is a hyperlocal news website featuring news and events in Everett, Washington. We also cover City of Everett information and items of interest to those who live, work, and play in Everett.

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