The Snohomish County Auditors has mailed out the ballots for the Special Election on February 8th. Here’s what you need to know about voting in the election.
Feb. 8 Special Election Local Voters’ Pamphlets are on their way to every household in Snohomish County. Ballots were mailed on Thursday to Snohomish County registered voters who are eligible to vote in this election. Voters should receive their ballot no later than Wednesday, Jan. 26.All school districts in Snohomish County will have at least one levy and/or bond measure on the ballot, except Arlington and Lakewood School Districts. Voters in these two districts will not receive a ballot. Fire District 15 will also have a ballot measure in the election.
Voters can register or update an existing registration online or by mail through Monday, Jan. 31. After Jan. 31, voters can continue to register or make updates and vote in person until 8 p.m. on Election Night, Tuesday, Feb. 8 at the Auditor’s office or at an accessible voting site during specific hours.
Most ballot drop boxes will be open to receive voted ballots. Check the list to make sure the box you plan to use is open. Drop box locations can be found at, as well as printed in the local voters’ pamphlet.
Additionally, voters can return their ballots by mail through the U.S. Postal Service. Ballots must be postmarked by Election Day, Feb. 8. Check the last collection time on the box if mailing on Election Day.
Snohomish County Elections has accessible voting equipment for voters with disabilities and offers last-minute voter registration and ballot issuance in Everett.
Snohomish County Auditor’s Office
1st Floor Admin W
3000 Rockefeller Ave
Everett, WA 98201
Monday through Friday – 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Tuesday, Feb. 8 – 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Voters who need in-person service will be required to maintain social distance and wear face coverings in compliance with federal, state, and local guidelines. Voters are encouraged to utilize online resources at and
If you do not receive the local voters’ pamphlet, a PDF version is available at under Current Election, See What’s on the Ballot. An online guide specific to your ballot can be found by logging into your voter portal at
If you are registered to vote and eligible for this election and have not received a ballot by Jan. 26, or have additional questions or needs, call 425-388-3444 or contact us by email at For more information, visit
January 24, 2022