Santa Visiting Everett Neighborhoods By Firetruck – Wednesdays In December

Santa and the crew will be spreading cheer all across Everett!
A big hit last year returns again this Holiday season in Everett, Washington as Santa gets aboard an Everett Fire truck to cruise around the city collecting donations for Volunteers of America Western Washington. Here’s more from Everett Fire.
Santa’s Neighborhood Cruise – Food and Toy Drive – is back! Starting this Wednesday, December 1, in North Everett at 5 p.m., Firefighters will be escorting Santa through town to visit all the good boys and girls while collecting donations of food, toys for @Volunteers of America Western Washington. We will also accept cash and check donations – please make checks out to Volunteers of America.
Maps can be found at

Click to see the individual route maps.
On the day of each visit, we will post a GPS tracking link, so you can see Santa’s travels. This year, we have a few modifications. On the maps, you will see numbered stops, these are areas where Santa will stop for a visit while his elves collect donations.Otherwise, we will do a slow roll along the marked streets to also collect donations, but Santa will not be stopping. For the best view, Santa will be in the front passenger seat of the fire engine. Major streets such as Broadway, 41st St, 19th Ave SE, Evergreen Way, and Everett Mall Way, are travel streets to the next point.
Santa’s Cruise Dates are Wednesdays starting at 5pm:
North Everett – December 1
Central Everett – December 8
South Everett – December 15
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My Everett News is a hyperlocal news website featuring news and events in Everett, Washington. We also cover City of Everett information and items of interest to those who live, work, and play in Everett.
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November 30, 2021
Events in Everett, Everett Fire