Help With Cash Donations For EPD Shop-With-A-Cop

November 28, 2021


A message from Leland Dart, Publisher of


Another of the younger shoppers with an Everett Police Lieutenant in 2018


Thumbs up for Shop with a Cop in 2019


Officers from Everett, Monroe, Mill Creek and Washington State Patrol participated in 2018

It takes days to sort and organize all of the gifts.

In 2020 gifts were provided for 277 kids.

Officers spent breaks and lunch times wrapping gifts last year.

For the 7th year, members of the Everett Police Officer’s Association, their families and supporters will provide toys and gifts to kids in need this Christmas through their annual Shop with a Cop/Holiday Heroes event.
It’s one of the favorite things to photograph for me each year and I’ve enjoyed documenting the joy in the faces of the kids and the cops as they interact.
In the past Police Officers escorted kids through a department store where they would select gifts not just for themselves but also members of their family. Last year due to the Pandemic that was not possible and Everett Police Officers wrapped and delivered the gifts to the homes of the kids without the interaction.
While things have improved pandemic-wise, this year a major retail sponsor has decided not to participate.
That won’t stop the event from happening however children will not shop with police officers at a physical store this year. Instead, children will make a Christmas wish list and later this season, officers will meet with the children to give them their gifts, get Santa photos and enjoy treats with hot cocoa.
“Last year, we were able to sponsor 277 children through our event. We knew many families in our community were struggling, and officers, families, friends and local businesses stepped up to donate. In the midst of the pandemic, it was a wonderful and unexpected surprise to help so many,” said event organizer Det. Jamie French. “Each year, Shop with a Cop grows and gives us an opportunity to help even more deserving children in Snohomish County.”
Participating children range from one-month to 17 years-old and are referred by area social service providers. Because officers are shopping with lists, cash donations are needed so the specific items children request can be obtained.
I’d like to ask any readers, advertisers, supporters or hey even our detractors, to join in making a cash donation to support the Everett Police Shop with a Cop event. We’ll put our money where our mouth is and match the first $500.00 in cash donations dropped off at the Everett Police Records Department from Monday November 29th – Friday December 3rd.
Their location is 3002 Wetmore Avenue in downtown Everett and they will be able to receive cash donations between the hours of 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM. If instead of cash you would prefer to write a check for a tax-deductible donation you can do so. Make the check payable to the Everett Gospel Mission and put “Shop with a Cop” in the memo section.
Sorry but the only donations able to be accepted are monetary and there is no on-line component to donate. That said if you want to participate and can’t get to the records office in downtown Everett to drop your donation this week you can contact me by email at or contact me by phone at 425-280-7620 and I will arrange to pick up your donation personally or facilitate its delivery by the deadline.

Hope you enjoyed a few photos of the event in past years and some final words from Detective Jamie French who is again leading the event this year.

“With everything happening, this event is more important than ever. Connecting with children and their families is important, not only during the holidays, but throughout the year. We are honored to be able to make this special day happen.”

Thank you for your help with this very worthwhile and needed endeavor. Thanks for making Christmas better for a lot of kids in Everett, Washington this year. Leland Dart, Publisher

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My Everett News is a hyperlocal news website featuring news and events in Everett, Washington. We also cover City of Everett information and items of interest to those who live, work, and play in Everett.

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