Everett Police Officers Now Allowed To Sport Beards

October 29, 2021

Police Blotter

Officer Tutchtone is one of many Everett patrol officers taking advantage of the new policy.

You may notice something different the next time you interact with an Everett Police patrol officer. They may be sporting a beard or goatee.

Administrators recently made a change to the grooming standards for police officers working in the City of Everett, Washington. Facial hair including beards and goatees is now allowable as long as it meets the grooming standards laid out in the Everett Police Department’s Policy Manual.

Everett Police Public Information Officer Aaron Snell explains the change in policy in an email to MyEverettNews.com in response to our inquiry after recently noticing multiple officers with beards and goatees.

“Traditionally, beards have not been allowed in law enforcement. However, we believe officers can maintain a neat, professional appearance while on duty with beards. Many other departments have already made the change and we believe it allows officers latitude in their personal appearance, improves morale and will be beneficial in our recruitment efforts.”

Here’s the updated section on grooming.

Rev. October 21, 2021

Hair Grooming Standards
All Employees’ hair will be neat, clean and well groomed.
• Style hair so as not to touch the shirt collar while standing at attention (male employees).
• Style hair so that it is above the ears (male employees)
• Style hair so that it does not extend more than three (3) inches outward from the head. Hairstyles which may be in fashion but present a non-professional, ragged or unkempt appearance are prohibited. Non-professional styles include, but are not limited to: Mohawk cuts, carvings, dreadlocks, oil-slicked hair, and ducktails.
• If using hair dye, dye the hair in a natural shade and not unnaturally shaded or multi–colored. For example, lime green, blue, and pink hair are prohibited.
• If wearing wigs or hairpieces, wear wigs and hairpieces that conform to the standards for natural hair.
• Not allow the sideburns to extend below a horizontal plane from the bottom of the ear. The forward edge is to be a vertical line from the top of the ear downward (no “Mutton Chops”). This section does not apply if growing a beard.
• A neatly groomed and maintained mustache, goatee, or beard is authorized for uniformed and plainclothes officers and civilian staff. Beards and goatees must be worn with a mustache. Facial hair must not be longer than a quarter (1/4) inch in length. If you have a beard or goatee, no portion of the beard/goatee may be exceptionally longer than the rest. If you have just a Mustache, it shall not extend below a horizontal point extending from the corners of the mouth, nor extend more than ¼ inch beyond a vertical line drawn at the corner of the mouth. This policy is not intended to modify or restrict grooming standards for officers or detectives assigned to undercover investigative units.
o Supervisors are responsible for administration and ensuring compliance with this policy.
o If there is a disagreement over whether a beard meets the requirements of this policy, the Chief of Police will be the ultimate decision maker.
o In order to ensure compliance with the Police Department Respiratory Protection Program, officers with facial hair or a beard must have the ability to shave while at work. Staff who’s primary or specialty unit duties require mandatory respirator use must be clean shaven when using the respirator, during their initial fit testing and for their mandatory annual fit test. This section does not apply to the Everett Police Dive team and the use of AGA masks.
All commissioned personnel shall:
• Maintain and style hair so as not to interfere with wearing the uniform hat, helmet or respirator.
• Style hair so as to be worn up or limited to a reasonable length so as not to compromise safety (female uniformed officers).


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My Everett News is a hyperlocal news website featuring news and events in Everett, Washington. We also cover City of Everett information and items of interest to those who live, work, and play in Everett.

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