Everett School District Holding Hiring Events For A Number Of Positions

October 28, 2021

Everett Sports

The Everett School District is trying to fill a variety of positions an will be holding two hiring events in the near future. Here’s what you need to know.

Staff will be there to assist with the application process.

Everett Public Schools is looking for full-time, part-time and substitute positions and will be hosting two events to share with potential employees the benefits of working for the school district.

Thursday, November 4 there will be an Employment Open House / Application Support Drop-In time at the Community Resource Center from 3 to 5 p.m. At this event you can speak with Human Resource staff about positions in the district and any employment questions you have about the district. Computers will be available, and staff will be there to help you fill out an application and talk you through the process.

Wednesday, November 10 there will be a Job Fair at the Community Resource Center from 4 to 6 p.m. This event will also have application support, but staff from other departments will be available to answer job-specific questions.

“We want people to experience what a great district we have and what a great place it is to work,” states Dr. Chad Golden, executive director of human resources at the school district. “If you have a heart for kids or want to support your community in a meaningful way, we have part-time, full-time and substitute positions that will work for you. Working for Everett Public Schools is not only rewarding but has great benefits and great people. The people are the reason I decided to work for Everett Public Schools. I hope others come see what we’re all about.”

Positions Everett Public Schools is currently hiring for include:

Paraeducators and Substitute Paraeducators
Health Room Assistants and Substitute Health Room Assistants
Office Professionals and Substitute Office Professionals
Food & Nutrition Professionals and Substitute Food & Nutrition Professionals
Registered Nurses and Substitute Nurses
Custodians and Substitute Custodians
Master Mechanics
Substitute Teachers
Emergency Substitute Teachers

The Community Resource Center is located at 3900 Broadway in Everett.

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