Everett Police Say Tavern Owner Arrested For Sexual Crimes

October 23, 2021

Police Blotter

Further investigation is still ongoing post arrest.

Editor’s Note: While we received multiple tips on this arrest Friday, MyEverettNews.com is not naming the business or person arrested as they have not been charged at this time.

Everett Police yesterday arrested an Everett business owner and booked that person into the Snohomish County Jail on multiple felonies. Allegations are the individual sexually assaulted multiple people over a period of several years. We are waiting on a press release from Everett Police and will update when that has been released.

UPDATE: Everett Police issued the following press release Saturday morning at 11:30 AM

Special Assault detectives arrest Everett business owner for sex crimes.

Special Assault detectives arrested the owner of a tavern in the 1000 block of Hewitt Ave for sexual assaults that are alleged to have occurred over the past several years. During interviews, male and female victims told detectives they went to the Everett tavern where they only had a few drinks but had no recollection of what occurred afterward. However, upon waking up, the victims believed they had been sexually assaulted.

In a 2020 incident, an adult female was at the tavern with friends and only had a couple of drinks. She reported not being able to remember much of the night but recalled being in the office with the owner and another male. She believed the two men had non-consensual sex with her and went to the hospital for an examination the next day. Test results confirmed there had been sexual contact.

Based on information gathered during the investigation, detectives arrested and booked the business owner into the Snohomish County Jail on probable cause for rape and indecent liberties.

Detectives continue investigating reports of sexual assaults at the business and believe there may be other victims. Anyone with information about these crimes, or who has been victimized in past incidents, is asked to call the Everett Police Department Tip Line at 425-257-8450.

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