Mayor Franklin Proposes “A Better Future” In 2022 Everett City Budget
Editor’s Update Thursday 9/30/2021: Here is the link to the full text of the Mayor’s 2022 Budget Address.
The budget process for 2022 has begun and will likely continue into December. A balanced budget must be passed by the end of the year.
Tonight Everett Mayor Cassie Franklin presented her 2022 budget address. This year there will not be any cuts to city staff as in past years and in fact some new positions are being proposed. Also as part of the address was a call to have voters weigh in on which services and at what level they are willing to support, before any cuts are proposed next year. In 2023 the budget deficit is currently about $13 million dollars.
Tomorrow the City will post the Mayor’s full address on the website and we’ll update that link but for now here are a few items mentioned by the Mayor. One note, the Mayor’s proposed General Government expenditure budget (core services) for 2022 is $155.3 million dollars and that does not include about $20 million dollars in one-time American Rescue Plan funds which will be outlined in the next few weeks.
A new homelessness response coordinator, a full-time position which will work as part of the Community Development team to develop and coordinate strategies to alleviate chronic homelessness.
Adding funds to respond and address encampments and support a stand-alone encampment clean up team in the City’s streets department.
Support local businesses through Everett CARES Grants
Diversify Everett’s economy supporting not only aerospace but also high-tech energy, biotechnology and electric-propulsion.
Development of the Everett Point Industrial Center northeast of I-5 and Highway 2
Bring more public art into the City, promote local events, Cultural Arts grants
A full-time fundraiser for the Everett Public Library
Add resources back to the Council of Neighborhoods and support neighborhood mini-grants
Restore Everett Transit service and add additional bus drivers
Replace the Edgewater Bridge between Everett and Mukilteo
Complete council-requested assessment of Everett Police Department
Fund anti-bias training curriculum for public safety teams
Add hours for veterinary support staff to offer reduced cost vet services for income-qualifying residents
Explore additional partnerships such as VOA operating Senior Center and YMCA Summer camps, etc.
Add a full-time resource conservation manager to evaluate energy use, water and natural resources
Again the City will have the entire address posted tomorrow (Thursday). The City Council meeting ended with the initial briefing from finance director Susy Haugen on the full 2022 budget. The Council will begin public hearings and deliberations on the budget next month.
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My Everett News is a hyperlocal news website featuring news and events in Everett, Washington. We also cover City of Everett information and items of interest to those who live, work, and play in Everett.
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September 29, 2021
Everett Government