Everett City Council District Candidate Forum Next Week

September 28, 2021

Everett Government

It is a historic election in Everett, Washington this fall as residents will elect a majority of city council members by district instead of at-large. Here’s information of a candidates forum next week sponsored by Everett Faith in Action.

Here are the final 5 districts. There are also 2 city-wide council positions (6 and 7) which are not on the ballot until 2023.

An Everett City Council Candidates’ Forum will be held on Monday, October 4, from 7-8:30 PM at the First Presbyterian Church, 2936 Rockefeller.  Doors will open at 6:30 PM and masks are required.  The event, which is sponsored by Everett Faith in Action,  will also be live-streamed on Facebook. This is an opportunity for the Everett community to hear from all 10 candidates for the Everett City Council, each running in the November 2 election to represent one of 5 new geographical districts.  For more information, please go to the Everett Faith in Action Facebook page at www.facebook.com/everettfaithinaction

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My Everett News is a hyperlocal news website featuring news and events in Everett, Washington. We also cover City of Everett information and items of interest to those who live, work, and play in Everett.

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