Everett Transit Getting $12 Million In New Federal Funds

September 24, 2021

Everett Government

Word in Friday from the Puget Sound Regional Council that Everett Transit received a little over $12 million dollars in money released by the Federal Government for pandemic impacts. City of Everett Senior Communications Officer Julio Cortes tells us these are new funds to Everett Transit and will be used to defray the cost of operations. Here’s the press release out from the PSRC.

The Puget Sound Regional Council’s Executive Board has approved distribution of $901 million in federal funding to the region’s transit agencies to help alleviate impacts from the pandemic.

The funding comes from the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA) which was signed into law on March 11, 2021.

Under federal legislation, PSRC has project selection authority for all projects using regional funds from the Federal Transit Administration (FTA). PSRC worked with leaders from the region’s nine transit agencies to develop the funding recommendation after discussion of the unique situation and needs due to the pandemic. This distribution includes a 2.5% adjustment to provide additional funding for Everett Transit, Pierce Transit and the Washington State Ferries.

The table below shows the distribution of the $901 million in transit funding coming to the region via the America Rescue Plan Act. This includes ARPA funding previously approved in July by the Executive Board for transit agencies serving the Bremerton and Marysville urbanized areas.

Transit Agency Funding Amount
Community Transit $57,431,344
Everett Transit $12,083,703
King County Metro $395,588,079
Kitsap Transit $30,851,189
Pierce County Ferry $4,463,382
Pierce Transit $42,226,350
City of Seattle $4,010,548
Sound Transit $275,258,761
Washington State Ferries $79,560,472


The Executive Board approved the recommendation at its meeting on September 23. View the meeting agenda and video here: https://www.psrc.org/boards/watch-meetings.

PSRC develops policies and coordinates decisions about regional growth, transportation and economic development planning within King, Kitsap, Pierce and Snohomish counties. The Council is composed of nearly 100 jurisdictions, including all four counties, cities and towns, ports, state and local transportation agencies and tribal governments within the region.

This public notice will satisfy the FTA’s Program of Projects requirements.

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