PUD Asking Customers To Conserve As Usage And Temps Climb

June 28, 2021


The Snohomish PUD is asking customers to conserve water and energy as it anticipates hitting record demand for June.


Longtime power use could set a record for June.

As the mercury continues to climb today, Snohomish County PUD is asking customers to do their best to safely conserve energy and water. Due to the extreme heat and the start of the workweek, the PUD is anticipating it will record its highest energy and water demand in June later today.

“As we prepare to meet today’s high energy demands, we are paying close attention to ensure we have enough power to meet our customers’ usage,” said Jason Zyskowski, PUD Assistant General Manager of Generation, Power, Rates and Transmission Management. “But each customer making small changes to conserve energy can collectively help us keep power demand down.”

During hot summer days, energy demand peaks after noon and before 10 p.m. Customers should try to conserve energy usage during those times, including pre-cooling your space before 5 p.m. and waiting until 7 p.m. to turn it back on.

Consider these tips to conserve energy and keep your space comfortable:

Keep your thermostat up to 78 degrees: If you have central air conditioning, turn your thermostat up to 78 degrees when you’re home and 84 degrees when you’re not. You can save 3-5% in home cooling costs for every degree you raise it.
Close the blinds: Closing your blinds, shades or curtains on warm days keeps the sun’s rays out and helps keep your home cool. If you have air conditioning, it can also help you save energy, blocking up to 45% of the sun’s warmth.
Use small appliances in the kitchen: While preparing meals, use a crock pot, toaster oven or microwave instead of your full-sized range or oven to keep your home cooler and save energy. These small appliances use only 20-50% of the energy needed to cook the same meal on your stove top or oven. Better yet, fire up the grill and take meal prep outside.
Wait to run dishwasher, laundry: Avoid using your dishwasher or washing machine and dryer until later at night. Also take a cool shower instead a warm one.

The PUD is also asking its 22,000 water customers to conserve water to ensure it can meet water demands throughout the summer. The PUD is not anticipating any heat-related interruptions to its water supply, but the record-setting temperatures and associated high water usage is stressing parts of its water system.

“We encourage our customers to moderate their outdoor water usage and help conserve this valuable natural resource,” said Brant Wood, PUD’s Water Utility Assistant General Manager.

The PUD’s Water Utility serves customers in Lake Stevens, the Granite Falls and Arlington areas, Kayak Estates and Warm Beach.

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