Transformer Fire Behind Brown Bear Car Wash On Broadway Causes Power Outage

June 21, 2021

Everett Fire

Flames shot up from the transformer.

There was a fair amount of black smoke generated.

A Snohomish PUD line worker makes an initial attack.

A second line worker also attacked the fire.

A little over 400 customers were affected.

Around 8:30 PM Everett Firefighters were called out to the alley behind Brown Bear Car Wash near 36th and Broadway for a transformer on fire.

Engine 1 stood watch as PUD crews were called to shut off the power and use a special chemical to put out the fire in the transformer.

Heavy black smoke was in the area while they quickly got the fire out.

About 400 PUD customers were affected for a short time but crews were able to reroute service and restore power quickly.


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