Jetty Island Ferry Service To Return With Port Of Everett Covering The Cost

May 6, 2021

Events in Everett

Jetty Island Days

Jetty Island Ferry photo courtesy Port of Everett.

Last night the Everett City Council unanimously approved a request by the City to have the Mayor sign an amendment to the contract with Argosy LP for Jetty Island Ferry Service. It will operate from the 10th street boat launch five days a week starting July 5th and running through Labor Day.

Last year the service was cancelled due to the Pandemic and this year there was concern that budget deficits would keep the service from coming back. The Port of Everett has stepped forward to cover the cost to the City for this year and is also partnering with Snohomish County according to the summary statement provided to Council.

The City of Everett is being reimbursed for the entire cost of Jetty Island Ferry Service in 2021 from the Port of Everett. The Port is working in partnership with Snohomish County to create an online reservation portal that will allow visitors to reserve a specific ferry time for just $3 per person. All fees will be retained by the Port of Everett as a partial repayment for the cost of ferry service in 2021.

Plans are also underway to develop a plan to assist those who may not be able to afford the $3.00 fee. With regard to the reservation system, for those who don’t have computer access or a smartphone there will be one available at the dock so people without access to technology can still partake of the Jetty Island Ferry Service.

The Ferry is expected to run five days a week, Wednesday – Sunday. There are also some additional events listed in the briefing papers presented to the City Council for this year including:

  • A three-hour July 4th cruise.
  • 5 – Port of Everett Harbor Tours lasting 1.5 hours each.
  • 9 – Sunset Harbor Tours lasting 1 hour each.

    Additional details and costs of those cruises are expected to be announced once all of the agreements and memorandums of understanding have been completed.

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    My Everett News is a hyperlocal news website featuring news and events in Everett, Washington. We also cover City of Everett information and items of interest to those who live, work, and play in Everett.

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