An announcement in today from the Port of Everett regarding the status of the Norton Terminal project.
The Port of Everett has issued a Request for Bids for its Norton Terminal Preload and Model Toxics Control Act (MTCA) 3rd Interim Action project. Click Here to View Advertisement for Bids.
This work represents the first phase of development under the Port’s $36 million Mills to Maritime initiative, funded in part by a Federal BUILD grant administered through MARAD and a Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) MTCA grant. This funding is made possible by the strong leadership of our federal and state legislators* and our partnership with Ecology.
The initiative sets out to transform the former Kimberly-Clark (K-C) mill site into a new maritime hub to enhance the movement of commerce, restore jobs and position our region for economic recovery and cargo diversification, while achieving environmental stewardship.
The project is located at the heart of Everett’s working waterfront, between the Port’s international Seaport and Naval Station Everett. It follows completion of a thorough upland cleanup by the previous property owner – a requirement set as part of the Port’s purchase of the site in late-2019. With this condition in place, and the regulatory agency requirements, the Port was able to expedite remediation of the site and meet its targeted redevelopment schedule just 18 months from acquisition.
“As a key piece of the Port of Everett’s economic development vision, I am excited for the Norton Terminal development,” Port Commission Vice President David Simpson said. “This project combines our goals of environmental sustainability with economic development, bringing support to our local and regional economy and creating jobs.”
The 3rd MTCA Interim Action is being conducted by the Port under a cleanup agreement with the Washington State Department of Ecology. This integrated cleanup and redevelopment plan installs a low permeability cap over a majority of the former mill site (now Norton Terminal) to cover any remaining soil contamination and improve groundwater quality. The cap will provide permanent environmental controls and a state of-the-art stormwater treatment for the first time in the property’s history, which in combination will serve to protect the health of the Puget Sound. This preload work is necessary for achieving a geotechnically stable cap.
The Port expects to break ground in mid-2021. Work scope includes constructing a preload over approximately six acres of the Norton Terminal footprint, removal and transport of approximately 2,300 tons of existing crushed rock from the Port’s South Terminal for construction of the haul road and furnishing and installing another approximately 50,000 cubic yards of crushed rock material for the balance of the preload. The imported crushed rock will be tested for hazardous substances to confirm it is not contaminated. Other ancillary work includes temporary erosion control measures, furnishing and installing settlement plates, relocating concrete ecology blocks, sweeping, and other related work.
Bid solicitation for the second phase of the project – Norton Terminal Development – is anticipated in June 2021. Norton Terminal is on target to open in 2022.
More than 800 construction jobs will be supported over both construction phases, and at full build out, the site expected to support approximately 950 direct, indirect and induced jobs.
*The Port of Everett would like to thank Senator Patty Murray, Senator Maria Cantwell, Congressman Rick Larsen, State Senator Marko Liias, Representative Emily Wicks and Representative Mike Sells, among others, who helped secure funding for this critical environmental and economic recovery project.
State Legislative Response
“The Norton terminal project will benefit the environment and provide many needed jobs and infrastructure for our community. This hub is not only a major investment for us today but for our future generations. In a session where Democrats constantly put people first and passed policy to protect our environment and residents, this project was a great addition to our capital budget.”
– Senator Marko Liias
“I was pleased to be a part of this year’s request for state capital funding to help move the port forward with regards to the clean-up of the North Terminal at the KC Mill site. The port has led on job development and environmental clean up for that valuable property. The citizens of Everett will benefit from those actions for many years to come.”
– Representative Mike Sells
“With 40,000 regional jobs tied to Port of Everett operations, I was proud to provide state support for the cleanup and redevelopment of the former K-C Mill Site. Recovery means helping our economy through this pandemic—and ensuring that it continues to grow afterward. The Port of Everett has consistently served the economic development needs of our state and district by keeping our goods moving and creating and maintaining jobs. It only makes sense to invest in the economic engine that invests in all of us. I want to thank everyone who helped push to secure this funding, because this means the world to local workers, families, and the community.”
– Representative Emily Wicks
April 28, 2021
Everett Economy