Historic Station 2 Becomes New Everett Fire Department Headquarters

March 23, 2021

Everett Fire

Historic fire station 2

The doors and windows are energy efficient while reflecting the history of the building.

A flag raising ceremony marked the dedication of the new Fire Department Headquarters.

Some of the staff in front of the new headquarters Tuesday morning.

The building is at 2801 Oakes in Everett, Washington.

The building was placed on the Historic Register in 1990.

honor guard

Members of the Everett Fire Department Honor Guard in front of the building.

For the last several years the command staff of the Everett Fire Department has occupied the seventh floor of the Wall Street Building on Wetmore in downtown Everett. Today the Fire Department rededicated Historic Fire Station 2 at the corner of California and Oakes as their Headquarters.

The original station was built in 1925 and in 1989 the Everett Historical Commission applied for recognition on the National Register of Historic Places. That was granted in 1990. You can learn about the history of the building here.

The relocation of the Fire Department Headquarters is part of an effort started two years ago by the City of Everett to reduce the overall cost of City facilities.

The Public Works Department will move into the space on the seventh floor as they centralize their operations. The City then proposed to sell their current space on Cedar Street.

This project began in early 2019 with an approved budget of $1.6 million and was paid for with a Federal grant.

The renovation includes the transformation of the former Engine bays into offices and training space.

The most noticeable item may be the replacement of the aluminum garage doors and windows with new red bay doors and windows that the Fire Department says are functional, meet energy code requirements for new office spaces, and return the building to its historical appearance.

A flag raising ceremony marked the official move to the new building though the staff have been in the new spot for about a week.

Here are a few MyEverettNews.com photos of the happenings today. Click photo to enlarge.

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