Everett Offering Post Snow Event Tips As Sweepers Work This Melting Period

February 16, 2021


This out from the City today as Sweepers replace Snowplows in Everett, Washington.

Click to see the City of Everett’s “Clear your sidewalk” flyer

Give street sweepers some room on the road. Keep the parking lane clear of parked cars and garbage cans, if you can, so they can clear to the curb

Remember it’s going to take time for Public Works to get all of the sand off the road.

-Street sweepers’ top speed is 10 miles an hour under regular conditions. With this much sand, they go even slower.
-4 sweepers will be out every day.

-Sweepers picking up sand are travelling so slow that people easily pass them at walking speed.

-It often takes more than one pass with a sweeper to clear the sand.

-Sweepers focus on the gutters. They will clear center turn lanes when all of the gutters are cleared.

-Example: A single sweeper in one 8-hour period picks up nine yards of waste, sweeps six miles and takes three trips to empty the sweeper.

If you know of a specific location that needs snow removal, give our 24-hour Dispatch line a call at 425-257-8821. Resources will be deployed when available and conditions allow.

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My Everett News is a hyperlocal news website featuring news and events in Everett, Washington. We also cover City of Everett information and items of interest to those who live, work, and play in Everett.

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