Editor’s update 10:30 PM Sunday night: While the snow has stopped and melting has begun the neighborhood streets in Everett are rough and Rubatano Refuse has announced they will not be providing service tomorrow (Monday Feb. 15th). They will take double for you on your next scheduled pick up day at no extra charge.
Drivers are still asked to stay off the roadways if at all possible. Main roads are being plowed per the City’s Snow Removal Map but neighborhood streets and feeders to the arterials have yet to be plowed in many parts of Everett, Washington.
Again here’s the link to the City’s Snow and Ice removal plan. If you have an issue to report regarding your street call the Public Works 24/7 dispatch line to share road condition observations about specific locations within Everett City limits: 425-257-8821. Crews respond to service requests as time, resources and call load allows.
Below is the link to a printable PDF of the Snow Plow Routes
Snow routes pdf
A reminder tomorrow (February 15th) is the President’s Day Holiday and access to most Government services will be limited.
February 14, 2021