The project was a water main replacement where the City also updated the streetscape on Rucker and Hoyt Avenues in downtown Everett, Washington.
The 1st change order was on November 6th 2019 for $337,015.57.
Change order #2 was on December 2nd 2019 for $348,782.56.
Change order #3 was on March 26th 2020 for $708,861.41.
With this 4th change order, the original contract price of the project initially authorized at $9,523,806.27 in May of 2019 has ballooned to $11,569,132.99 as of today. An increase of $2,045,326.
Some of the changes listed on this 4th change order for $650,667.18 include:
You can see all of the changes and their explanations on the Change Order below.
According to Kimberely Cline, Communications Director for the City of Everett the Public Works funding for change order 4 comes from:
Fund 119 – Street Improvements
CIP 4 (Capital Improvement Program)
Fund 336 -Water construction
Kline says the Change Order 4 costs are primarily for the removal and replacement of unsuitable materials encountered below the project roadway subgrade, and for additional flagging to provide continuous pedestrian access during construction.
December 30, 2020
Everett Government