You’ll be asked your household size and zip code. No ID or other information is required. Photo Credit VOAWW
It is set to happen again tomorrow rain or shine, Friday November 20th from 2 – 5 PM. The event will be operated by Volunteers of America staff who will all be wearing masks and staying socially distant.
The only questions asked are the number of people in the household so they know how many boxes of food to place into each vehicle and the zip code of the recipients so they can get an idea of where people are coming from.
No I.D. or address is required. This will be a no-contact delivery and social distancing rules will be followed.
The drive-thru food pantry operating hours are from 2 PM – 5 PM on the south side of the Everett Mall at the Regal Cinemas parking areas. Watch for people directing traffic.
November 19, 2020
Events in Everett