Everett Mayor Announces Directive On Affordable Housing

November 17, 2020

Everett Government

The above chart shows the number of new units needed by 2035 to accommodate growth management allocation for Everett by income: Provided by City of Everett

Today Everett Mayor Cassie Franklin issued a Mayoral Directive that she says works to the goal of addressing homelessness and supporting housing stability. The directive has three initiatives. You can see the complete text of the directive here and below is the breakout of the three initiatives.

Initiative 1: implement the Rethink Housing engagement process and develop a citywide housing action plan by June 30, 2021.

a. Utilize advisory members from existing boards and commissions to help develop strategies that promote and plan for housing opportunities for all.

b. Engage and educate key stakeholders through a series of virtual forums and online meetings. Stakeholders should include, but are not limited to, Everett residents, industry professionals, housing providers and community partners. It is especially important to engage communities of color and underserved populations.

c. Complete the housing action plan. This plan should include a framework of actions, policies, regulatory improvements and implementation measures identifying engaged stakeholder roles and responsibilities driven by the spectrum of governmental and economic influences that address housing for all. The plan should also address displacement and equitable housing policies and actions.

d. Monitor progress of expected housing production progress.

Initiative 2: improve procedures and permitting requirements to ensure Everett is a friendly, attractive place for investors to develop housing.

a. Under the leadership of the City’s new planning director, begin preparations for planning of transit-oriented development and light rail development that addresses increased density, mixed income housing and mixed building use.

b. Recruit and encourage a range of market-rate and affordable housing developers with an expanding offering of incentives, development-friendly housing policies, and placemaking efforts that enhance return on investment

Initiative 3: aggressively address homelessness and support housing stability in 2021.

a. In January 2021, re-launch the City’s Homeless Student Task Force. This task force paused its work this past spring due to COVID-19, but will be reactivated to resume work developing recommendations on practical approaches for solving student homelessness.

b. Pilot a year-round shelter program using Pallet shelters, funded through the Washington State Department of Commerce Shelter Grant program.

c. Administer the next round of CARES 3.0 Community Development Block Grant funds for rental assistance and housing stability.

d. Staff the Community Outreach and Enforcement Team with a total of three social workers to help meet the growing needs of homeless residents, providing more coverage and support for our police teams and people experiencing trauma.

Progress on these initiatives, as well as metrics that will be used to gauge impact and success, will be delivered to me twice per year. – Mayor Cassie Franklin

The City says work on the first initiative is already underway with the Rethink Housing engagement process. Community members are invited to join the virtual Rethink Housing forum and “chat” series, which will kick off on Dec. 8 with a virtual forum on “housing for all” with keynote speaker former Governor Christine Gregoire. Attendees will learn about current housing needs and the importance of addressing the impact COVID-19 has had on housing in the region.


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