Boeing Future of Flight is excited to welcome guests back on Thursday, October 8, in accordance with the Washington Safe Start Plan. Our Gallery, Sky Deck, Boeing Store and Paper Plane Café have new health and safety measures in place for guests and employees.
The Boeing Factory Tour will remain temporarily closed, however we are exploring virtual factory experiences. Stay tuned to our communication channels by signing up to receive the latest updates.
”We are very excited to welcome guests back to Boeing Future of Flight. We have new health and safety measures that include limited guest capacity, face covering requirement for everyone, and physical distancing.” said Future of Flight general manager Christi Medlyn. “The safety of our guests and staff is our highest priority.”
These new health and safety measures include:
- All employees and guests over age 2 must wear cloth face coverings (cloth face coverings are available onsite if needed)
- Physical distancing of 6 feet (2 meters) that must be maintained throughout the facility
- Stringent cleaning, sanitization and safety practices
- Operating at 25% of capacity and entries times will be staggered as needed
· By reserving and purchasing tickets in advance, it will ensure we have capacity for you. To reserve, please visit:
· Cashless transactions
- Signage to facilitate physical distancing
- Modified operating hours are 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. (PST), Thursday through Monday
- Closed Tuesdays and Wednesdays
Boeing Future of Flight is one of greater Seattle’s most popular, premier attractions. Boeing Future of Flight suspended operations on March 12, 2020 following the Governor’s order on March 11, to minimize public health risk related to COVID-19.
For additional reopening information please visit:
Questions please email: or call customer service at 1-800-464-1476.
October 5, 2020
Events in Everett