Word in that the Everett Farmers Market is set to go on Sunday in spite of the smoky conditions in Everett, Washington. Here’s the message received Saturday from the Everett Farmers Market managers.
Hello Everett Farmers Market Community!
The Everett Farmers Market will open as scheduled tomorrow, September 13, despite smokey conditions, which are forecast to improve as the day progresses.
We are maintaning a close eye on EPA forecasts and guidance, and if conditions change for the worse, we will provide notice as early as possible.
The EPA currently lists Everett air quality as “unhealthy: People with heart or lung disease, older adults, and children should avoid prolonged or heavy exertion. Everyone else should reduce prolonged or heavy exertion. Click here for air quality.
As much as the Vendors would love to see you and share their local and seasonal goodness, we understand staying safe and healthy is in your own best interest. If we miss you tomorrow, we will look for you next Sunday.
We do reserve the right to treat tomorrow as a weather event day, and if conditions deem, the Market could close early.
Always our best,
Your Market Mangers … Gary Purves & Karen Erickson
September 12, 2020
Downtown Everett, Events in Everett