More Drive-Thru COVID-19 Testing Available In Everett For Those Who Meet Criteria

March 28, 2020


The Snohomish Health District today says they have more slots for drive-thru COVID-19 testing in Everett Next week. You must meet the criteria and have an appointment. Here are the details.


More information is available here.

High-risk Snohomish County residents with COVID-19 symptoms, including those who work in healthcare, public safety or critical infrastructure, now have another option for free testing.

Testing is by appointment only. To register for an appointment, see the instructions below. People who do not have symptoms or do not meet the criteria below will not be eligible for testing appointments.

If you plan to be or have been tested at the drive-thru site, please read the FAQ on this page.

This community based drive-thru testing site is being coordinated by the Snohomish Health District and the Medical Reserve Corps, in partnership with the City of Everett, Everett Public Schools, CHC of Snohomish County, Everett Clinic, Providence Medical Group, Swedish Medical Group, Tulalip Tribes, and Snohomish County Department of Emergency Management.

The testing supplies and laboratory services are made possible by the Washington State Department of Health, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.


You may be eligible for testing if you are:

Experiencing symptoms (cough, fever of at least 100.4, sore throat and/or shortness of breath)


Working in health care, public safety, or critical infrastructure like grocery stores, restaurants, shelters, gas stations, public utilities, child care, or correctional facilities OR

60 years of age or older OR

Someone with underlying medical conditions or a weakened immune system OR

Currently pregnant.

Sign up for an appointment

Go to You will be prompted to answer a series of questions. Answer them honestly. If you meet criteria for testing, you will be provided with a testing identifier number. Then you will be directed to a page where you can sign up for a time slot using that identification number.

If multiple people plan to arrive for testing in the same vehicle, they must each complete the online screening and have a unique identifier number.

You must have an appointment, a testing identifier number and photo ID ready when you arrive at the testing site.

Frequently asked questions

Where is the Testing site?

Testing will be in the large parking lot near Everett Memorial Stadium at 3900 Broadway. Vehicles will enter going southbound on Broadway.

What are the hours?

Appointments will be opened for one week at a time. For the week of March 30, we will be open Monday-Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.,with appointments in 15-minute time slots.

How do make an appointment?

Got to More information is available in our guide. (PDF)

When and how will I receive results?

Estimated turnaround for results is 3-5 days. Please keep in mind that the exact timing may vary. You will receive a phone call. They will try to contact you three times. When you answer the call, they will ask to verify information, including date of birth or full address.

What if I don’t have symptoms but someone I know does?

Testing is only available to people who have symptoms and meet the criteria above.

Is this the only testing option?

No. This expands testing options, but does not replace existing testing offered by many local healthcare providers. We still encourage you to contact your medical provider by phone or online if you have symptoms. They may refer you for testing, but remember, not everyone needs to be tested and most people can recover at home.

How many people will be tested each day?

We can test a maximum of 250 people per day.

Are you testing for other illnesses, too?

No. This site is specifically for COVID-19 testing.

It says testing is full. What do I do?

We are working to add more appointments. Please monitor this page or social media for updates when more slots are released. If your symptoms worsen, please contact your healthcare provider for further instructions.

Why isn’t everyone being tested?

We have limited resources for testing (testing kits, staff, personal protective equipment for medical providers). We have to prioritize. For people who have mild symptoms, are not high risk, and are not working in a job that provides critical services, a positive test result would not change how they should handle their illness. Stay home, avoid contact with others, and make sure you are resting, hydrating and eating healthy meals. There is no vaccine or cure at this time. Read more about what to do if you have COVID-19.

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