City Council Names Everett’s Newest Park After Emma Yule

January 29, 2020

Everett Government


Artist’s conception of the park looking from west to the east. (From city council presentation in 2018)

In a unanimous vote by the Everett City Council Wednesday night (with members Murphy and Moore absent) the new park being built on the south side of the new YMCA in the 4700 block of Colby will be named Emma Yule Park.

The naming of the park has been discussed since 2018. A recent groundswell of support for Everett’s first school teacher, Emma Yule, included a petition for putting her name on the park.

At one point the city’s Historical Commission proposed naming the park after Doctor Arthur S. Grossman, a family practice doctor and obstetrician who practiced in Everett for decades. That process was sidelined.

Now that the decision has been made, there is talk of finding other ways to recognize Dr. Grossman, David Dilgard and others who’s names were brought up in the process of deciding on a name for this new park.

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