Simpson Sworn In As Port Commissioner

December 3, 2019


David Simpson

State Representative John Lovick (r) administers the oath of office to David Simpson (l). Photo credit: Port of Everett

With the certification of the General election complete, David Simpson has been sworn in as the latest Commissioner for the Port of Everett.

On November 27, Port of Everett Commissioner-elect David Simpson was sworn into service to represent the citizens in the District 1 seat. Simpson was elected to complete the two-year balance of former Port Commissioner McClelland’s six-year term. Simpson was sworn in by State Representative John Lovick, in the company of community leaders and residents.

“I am looking forward to working for the citizens of District 1 and ensuring the Port of Everett remains a competitive leader in the region,” Simpson said.

Simpson, a U.S. Navy veteran, brings more than 45 years of combined public/private sector experience to the Port. His background includes 30 years in the aviation industry with 24 years in manufacturing engineering for The Boeing Company and another six years as an aviation mechanic for the United States Navy.

Over the past decade, Simpson’s focus has shifted to the public realm, with interest in public policy and community involvement. He has served on many boards and committees throughout his career, including the Washington State House of Representatives 38th District, Everett City Council, City of Everett Planning Commission, Snohomish County Charter Review Commission, and presently, the City of Everett’s Committee for Housing and Community Development.

Simpson is a University of Washington alumni where he earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in U.S. History. He is also a graduate of Everett Community College.

Simpson replaces former District 1 Port Commissioner Bruce Fingarson, who has served on the Port Commission since November 2017. Fingarson was appointed by the Port Commission following the resignation of then District 1 Port Commissioner Troy McClelland.Simpson will complete the balance of McClelland’s original 6-year term.

District 1 encompasses portions of the waterfront area in North Everett, and east to the Snohomish River.


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